The society

Društvo za ohranjanje kulturne dediščine aleksandrink
Prvačina 48
SI-5297 Prvačina


Map - Prvačina

Bank account number: SI56 0475 0000 1208 574, at the Nova KBM bank

Remittances from abroad:
Swift code: KBMASI2XGOR;
IBAN: SI56047500001208574, at the Nova KBM bank  

The Society was founded on 2nd November 2005.

Organizational structure: the Society for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Alexandrian Women Prvačina is an independent voluntary and non-profit making association of individuals who actualize on an amateur basis the interests in the sphere of the preservation of the cultural heritage of the »Aleksandrinke«. The Society is a private legal entity, represented by the President and in her absence, by the Vice President. The Organizational Bodies of the Society are the following: the General Assembly, the Management Committee, the Supervisory Committee and the Disciplinary Arbitration.

President: Dejana Baša
Vice President: Neva Leban
Management Committee: Sašo Krpan, Daša Koprivec M.A., Tina Mihelj, Slavica Plahuta in Anamarija Prijatelj  

Supervisory Committee: Albert Gregorič, Peter Zorn in Miro Kerševan
Disciplinary Arbitration: Nadja Rijavec, Vidojka Vecchiet in Boženka Jelerčič

The purpose of the Society: the Society was founded in order to collect and register as well as to do research on the cultural heritage and the oral tradition of the »Aleksandrinke«. Since its foundation the Society collects the material and immaterial cultural heritage with the still living »Alexandrian Women« and their descendants and relatives. We are getting support from people near and far who do not want this part of our history, for so long disregarded, to be forgotten.