
Personality of Primorska 2009

The selection of a Personality of Primorska 2009, an event produced by Radio Koper, Primorske novice and TV Koper Capodistria concluded with an event on 22 January 2010 in Portorož's Auditorium. The President of the Society for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Alexandrian Women, Dejana Baša, was selected the Personality of Primorska in November 2009 She was nominated as a result of all achievements attained by the Society during the four years of her presidency. These are: exhibitions, round table panels, events, memorial plaque in Alexandria, web site, the increase in the number of members, active cooperation with professional and educational institutions and the media, the interest of individuals and groups, other events and particularly the Murko's Deed, everything only during 4 years after the Society's establishment. The Society for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Alexandrian Women extends its thanks to all members and supporters who had supported Dejana Baša in this campaign and voted for her.