
DISCOURSE – Recent Efforts and Researches for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the »Alexandrian Women«

Within the 53rd »In my homeland« gathering, organized by the Slovenian Emigrant Association (Slovenska izseljenska matica), on Saturday 4th July 2009 in the Great Hall of the Municipality of Nova Gorica the Discourse - Recent Efforts and Researches for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the »Alexandrian Women« - organized by the Society for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Alexandrian Women Prvačina took place.

Participants: Dejana Baša, President of the Society for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the »Alexandrian Women« Prvačina, who held the lecture on the Impact of the Civil Iniciative on the Research of the »Aleksandrinke« Cultural Heritage and thus presented the performed activities of the Society; Darinka Kozinc M.Sc., Vice Mayor of the Municipality of Nova Gorica, held the lecture on the Imbedding of the »Alexandrian Women« phenomenon into our consciousness; Inga Miklavčič Brezigar M.A., museum curator in the Regional Museum Goriški muzej Kromberk – Nova Gorica, and Sister Gabrijela Koncilija, the School Sister of St. Francis of Christ the King held the lecture on The hidden Faces of Alexandria - the School Sisters and the Alexandrian Women; Daša Koprivec M.A., Slovenian Emigration museum curator in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana and museum counsellor, delivered the lecture on the Researches on the Family Life of an »Alexandrian Women« in Egypt and on the Testimonies of their Children; Prof. Dr. Bojan Baskar lectured on the Migrations in the Mediterranean and Dr. Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik of the Institute for the Slovenian Emigration and Migration at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts - ZRC SAZU Ljubljana, hold a lecture on the Memory on the Alexandrian Women in the Context of the Modern Female Migrations.

Prior to the Discourse the film »Alexandria says farewell – Aleksandrija, ki odhaja« in the production of the Vitel television and the performance of the Drama group The Prvačina Women's Society were presented. And then a short discussion followed the Discourse.